This Dream People Call Human Life

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

this and that and all the rest

I went for a walk on the beach today and got a bit of sun burn....oh well. these things tend to happen to pastey white girls such as myself. jessica and i hit up the market. it's nice to have fresh fruit and veggies. when i got back to my room, i got a chance to chat with some of you night owl out there. it's nice to still feel connected to home. but i don't know how many times i can i say that i wish you were here.

Everyone here is very nice and i'm so excited to get to know everyone better. it's gonna be quite a year.

While just lounging about i got a phone call from a man from international affairs it turns out that a prof and his wife from KU are going to be here tomorrow and I've been asked to accompany them during the day. pretty random. i was told his name but didn't recognize it at all, but didn't really expect to.

It's soooooooo good to have speakers. kyle gave me a million new cds before i left and i really can't thank him enough!!! Especially for getting me a new copy of Lou Reed's Transformer. if you haven't seen the Flaming Lips Video for The Yeah Yeah Yeah have to check it out! they are so good at never being disappointing. you can watch it here.


At 9:12 AM, Blogger frodo325 said...

Is it hot enough to go swimming?

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Barbara said...

yes it's very warm...and there is a beach right beside campus unfortunetly i forgot my swim suit....
hopefully i'll be able to get one.

At 10:53 PM, Blogger Yvonne said...

The past few days had been a little crazy, so tonight was Catch-Up. It's good to hear that you have a schedule now and that there are other Americans to talk to- even though they are older than you... and that your exaggerated health exam is over with and you're not going to die.
Your phone is amazing. And so are your hands... it must be all the embrodiery and sculpture stuff.

I'm hoping that I can get a studio down in Philly at the Church Studios... it would be great. I have two pieces I'm working on that I'm pleased with so far. That one I posted about was the weird freak that wriggled in there to make me feel incompetent. Of course.
I've started a drawing for you.. I hope I can finish it soon and then send it to you. I think you'll appreciate it.

Love you.

At 10:55 PM, Blogger Yvonne said...

P.S. I hope you can make some arty things soon. Even if it means making arty things with the few materials you have. You're clever... like a velociraptor.

If you're bored, can I request a small piece of fabric with a shark outline embroidered on it? ;)

At 1:54 AM, Blogger Barbara said...

I think i felt young because everyone else seems to have expierence teaching and such. but everybody really is quite nice.

yay to stitching killer animals!


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