This Dream People Call Human Life

Sunday, August 13, 2006

is this really happening?!??!?!?!

So this story actually begins back in March. That was when I applied to do an internship over in Hong Kong. I ended not getting the job, but being the runner up. Obviously i was pretty disappointed, but at least i had tried.

Now, lets jump ahead to about three and a half weeks ago. I get a message left on my voice mail from Dr. Stewart, the man who interviewed me for the Hong Kong position. He told me he had been impressed with me and that he wanted to tell me about a job opening in China he had recently learned about, the catch was it was very short notice and they were looking for someone to come by the end of august. I immediately started getting everything together that i would need to apply. I even got lucky enough to get a hold of two of my former Professors who were nice enough to literally write me letters of recommendation almost over night. Barbara Schulman and Dan Talley and forever going on my list of amazing people.

Sure enough earlier this week a representative of Yantai University called me and offered me the job!! I can't even tell you how excited I was. The school is giving me a monthly salary, a fully furnished apartment,travel reimbursement, and a vacation allowance. I still can't really believe it's happening.

I'm offically leaving the country as of Aug 23rd and probably won't return until july 2007. The cleaning and packing i have to do before i leave is a little overwhelming...but I think i'll survive. I'm going to Kutztown tomorrow to meet with Dr. Stewart, who is going to give me a crash course in living and working over in China. I'm planning on staying there till Wed, so that i can visit with people who i just can't leave without seeing one more time.

Even though i'm on the other side of the world, doesn't mean i'm going to disappear. I'm setting up this blog so that all my friends and family who want to keep up with me can do so easily. Believe me, i'm going to be dying to know what's going on in all of your lives too during the 11 months i'm gone!

I'm not quite sure what do with my online store yet....I know that I will have to close at least temporarily. Who knows if I'll be able to reopen while i'm over there. but in the mean time....i would love to get rid of what i have so PLEASE check it out and show all your friends!!!

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At 6:00 AM, Blogger Yvonne said...

You get so many hearts and flowers from me.
Oooor I could do this.

At 7:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looking forward to hearing about it.

How's the rest of your family doing???

At 5:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


damn mama. gunna leave some sweet writings for us.
You know it. I know it. It's gunna happen.
You write. I read.
Good times.
You are so cool.

At 9:39 PM, Blogger Elizabeth Porter said...

hooray for bloggingbarbara! I look forward to reading your entries! :)

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Barbara said...

i do believe that little miss emily jane is my FAVORITE Emily!


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