This Dream People Call Human Life

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Halloween in China

So despite the fact that china doesn't really celebrate it, i managed to have a really rgeat halloween. all week long i had halloween themed classes, and taught the students all about our kooky traditions. i even brought in candy and made them all say trick or treat. in one of my speaking classes we even told ghost stories. in other classes i had them tell me about chinese superstitions. they really seemed to get into the spirit of things. the bar we tend to go to, Alibabas, had a pretty awesome halloween party. a bunch of us actually went earlier in the day and helped them decorate. jess and i decided to have a joint costume which, if may say so myself, was pretty spectacular. we were Yao Ming. i was the top half and she was the bottom.

me and jess being awesome
jess, simon and dale

Ting Ting, me and maggie being adorable

Deanna, me and rachel

me and jess with natalia

mark rocking a handle bar moustache as a slutty 70's runner

Miki, the owner's girlfriend who makes me delicious drinks

Alibaba's staff..Stella...Chubby...and random girl

oh simo...the best beetlejuice ever

PawMan and Yao Rumbling

The beautiful Marcos

Nick and dale

Natalia (the perfect MIa Wallace) doing her famous pout

Rhino and Barbtron 3030

Me and my mummy

The boys

Shenoa giving me some love

Scary scary micheal


marcos freshening up

Maggie double fisting

David, Jess, and Natalia...and her syringe

Dancing like a fool

creeeeeeepy mark face

That's right...we're the coolest people you know.

i know this is a little backwards but these were the shots from decorating the bar.

mark and ryan hanging spider webs

Carving Pumpkins just like a proper halloween

Chubby and his scary knife

Belinda carving her pumpking with a dart piece

Miki and her meat

Daniel hanging the Pig's heart

And that was halloween. soooooo much fun!

i went to a basketball game on campus this week, which is kind of funny since i never went o basketball games back home. one of my students in my soph. speaking class, Gonser, invited me after class and told me it the last game in a tournament against different years of english majors. when i got there it turned out that the opposite team was made up entirely of boys from my junior writing class, one of my favorite classes, so more of the kids from the class were there. i was a bit torn on which side to root for since i had students on both sides. It was sooo much funny. they even taught me a chinese cheer. my junior boys ended up winning and they had me pose with them for their victory photo. now they've me invited to be a part of their badmington tournament.

I finally went to a KFC. i can't believe how popular they are here. Especially since they're kind of a joke in the States. A couple students took me actually wasn't too bad...and so far it has managed to not make me horribly ill. Which is incredible because everytime i eat at one back home it haunts me later. we'll see how i feel when i wake up tomorrow.

Ugh tomorrow....where did the weekend go.....


At 5:04 AM, Blogger frodo325 said...

This is for Taryn from Barbara's Mom. USe the US post office to send. Our second package got to her way sooner. Warning: Never use UPS.

At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had fun! Halloween in China looks much more fun.

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Elizabeth Porter said...

whoohoo! Halloween looks like a pretty fantastic! I had an ickle macroecon. test that night.



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