This Dream People Call Human Life

Monday, November 13, 2006

so on saturday a few of my students asked if i would meet them in the morning and hang out. they're nice girls so i figured why not. the showed up at my place around 10 am and we decided to just go for a walk. when we walk out of my building i heard loud music playing and asked them what was going on... they told me it was dancing. so we went over to check it out and there are about 200-300 chinese students dancing....and by dancing i mean formal waltzy two step kind of dancing. it was so funny to see them the girls told me that they a dance class and wanted to introduce me to the teacher who was also there teaching kids some steps. so i went and said hi and was they approach by a really shy boy who offered to teach me some of the steps. so there i was getting dance lessons from a chinese boy so nervous he could barely look at me. and of course seeing a foreginer dancing attracted quite the crowd but it was so much fun. defintly not how i expected to be spending my saturday morning.

i also recently had my first run in with chinese medicine. i had a blister open up on my foot and start to hurt very badly and i was afriad it was infected. so i went to a pharmacy juts to get a band-aid and the guy behind the counter sits me down looks at my foot and them mixes some kind of medicine into iodine and rubs it on the wound. it stung really bad but i figured that meant it was doing it's job. but it just wouldn't stop burning. within and hour half my foot and my big toe were completely swollen. so i figured it might be a good idea to wash off whatever he put on. and sure enough the swelling went down...not completely but i no longer looked like a freak of nature.

i realized that i have all kinds of photos of friends here that i haven't posted yet. so i thought maybe you guys might want to see who i've been spending my time with.

The best way to start an evening...some good street food.

Natalia and a would be Shaolin monk...otherwise known as the coolest kid ever.

Simon and the beautiful Tommi . She's a singer at a bar called Bacchaus which also has a philippino band that does western songs. the have a set list middle aged motehrs would love.

Me and Jess

Natalia and her famous's contagieous

Ryan and random crazy girl. hahaha i love thsi picture

Me and an adorable korean named Jack who's been teaching me to speak some Korean and so far i have to say it's waaaaaaay easier than chinese

I have no idea how to spell his name...but all you really need to know about him is he is a Dancing Machine!

Natalia and Jess looking perrrrty.

Jack and i giving into to the call of the big mac.

Oooooooh Natalia

Micheal, he works behind the bar at alibabas
and lets me hang out in the back room and play with a puppy that lives there.

Big smiles from me and mark

Me and Sophie

Barbara and Natalia 4-EVAH!!!!

I bought the coolest pair of puppy mittens which quickly turned into a herd. I had the light blue pair but when Nate bought his we decided to switch one each. in china, his and hers stuff is really popular. it's not uncommon to see a couple wearing a matching outfit, so when ever we are out people think nate and i are a couple just because our mittens match.

Marcos, my favorite Spainard

marcos and jess looking cute

Me and Lucy.....i let her borrow one of my mittens....they keep your hands warm when holding a cold drink.
Natalia and i busting a gut

Me and Simo

Barbtron 3030 and Rhino

Korean kids are just waaaay too much fun.


At 12:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yo. i haven't finished your update yet...BUT i did post a bunch of various photos from the studio this semester into my facebook check it out fo sho.

At 12:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you ever get that post card I send you a while back? I got tons more but don't want to send them if they're going to some stranger.

At 11:34 PM, Blogger 3G said...

for you, babs

At 9:57 AM, Blogger Elizabeth Porter said...

It looks like the Barbara is where its at in China! I miss you and your ultra-awesomenesssss.

At 4:07 PM, Blogger Barbara said... here me go...

Taryn... I MISS YOU. that's all i really need to say. I Flippin' MISS You. China is banning myspace profile pages so it's hardv for me to communicate through it sometimes.

Sara....i haven't gotten your postcard yet :( i've heard it can take a wicked long time. it would be quicker if your just put it in a envelope and sent them. hahaha it defeats the whole postcard thing but i will get it waaay sooner.

Seren..... Thank you SOOOOOOO much for the update!! i'm working on replying
THANK YOU even more for the blog post of pictures!!!!! So awesome!!!
you rule so much.

Elizabeth..... Holy moly i miss you sooooooo much. you need to get skype so we can actually talk to each other. it's free so there's no reason for you not to. i'm so jealous of your etsy store and you living on your craftyness. drop me an e-mail sometime.


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